About us

How it started

About 1 year ago we, Kirsten and Cherilyn, were on vacation in Croatia. In a souvenir shop in Pula we came across very nice blocks of wood with a quote on it. We both liked this very much, but they were quite pricey and we wondered if we could not make this ourselves. We talked about this all the way back to the campsite. Later at the tent, the idea of ​​our company, which sold these blocks, among other things, arose. After making a prototype a few times, we became very enthusiastic and Simple Leaf was born.

Our mission and vision

Simple Leaf was born out of a love for creativity. This creativity has been used to create handmade gifts that are fun to keep as well as to give away. We believe that with Simple Leaf, sending every package sends and spreads a bit of luck. Simple Leaf makes it easy to send an affordable and unique gift to loved ones.

Our vision is to transfer our creativity and happiness to our environment with Simple Leaf, by creating a gift shop with a wide range.